Consulting Solutions

I specialise in guiding clients toward achieving their sustainability objectives through a comprehensive suite of services, including sustainable finance consulting, ESG strategy and policy development, risk assessment and due diligence, environmental research and data analysis, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement.


Sustainable Finance

I support financial institutions, investors, and corporations in their transition to a low-carbon, nature-positive economy by providing environmental data-driven consulting services. I help clients implement and report in accordance with the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), enabling them to build resilient lending and investment portfolios that can withstand both transition and physical risks. My capabilities include:

  • Sustainability Strategy Development

  • Sustainability Reporting

  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) Compliant Sustainability Reports

  • TCFD and TNFD Alignment and Reporting

  • Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions Calculations

  • LEAP (Locate, Evaluate, Assess, Prepare) Assessment

  • Climate Change Scenario Analysis and Adaptation Planning

  • ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Integration Assistance

  • Board and Executive Training

  • Biodiversity Strategy Development

  • Carbon and Biodiversity Offsetting Solutions

Corporate Consulting

I assist businesses and public entities in understanding their environmental impact and enhancing their sustainability performance by providing tailored advisory solutions:

  • Impact Measurement and Risk Assessment: Evaluate environmental impacts and assess sustainability risks across operations and supply chains.

  • Target Setting and Strategy Implementation: Develop and implement sustainability strategies, including Science-Based Targets (SBTs), alignment with the Paris Agreement, and sector-specific goals. Support renewable energy sourcing through on-site generation, renewable energy certificates (RECs), and power purchase agreements (PPAs). Implement energy efficiency initiatives, with a focus on no-cost and low-cost measures, and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Carbon Reduction and Sustainability Strategies: Craft and execute bespoke carbon reduction and sustainability strategies tailored to individual business needs.

  • Sustainability Monitoring, Disclosure, and Communication: Monitor progress, disclose sustainability actions, and communicate results effectively. Provide support for preparing the technical information required for successful disclosure to initiatives like the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).


Environmental Policy

I assist in the design of public policies, strategies, roadmaps, and regulations for national and local governments, aimed at achieving their climate goals and assessing the impacts of climate mitigation and sustainable development initiatives. This includes the development of scaled-up mitigation strategies and long-term plans, such as Low Emission/Low Carbon Development Strategies (LEDS/LCDS), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), New Market Mechanisms (NMMs), and Low Carbon City (LCC) plans. These instruments are designed to support the effective implementation of a country's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). My capabilities include:

  • Policy Development: Crafting and refining public policies, strategies, roadmaps, laws, and regulations for national and local governments.

  • Climate Finance Identification: Identifying sources of climate finance and selecting the most suitable financial instruments to support the realization of NDCs.

  • Investment Prioritization: Analyzing and identifying sectors and activities that offer the highest return on investment for climate and sustainable development objectives.

  • Impact Evaluation: Assessing the climate mitigation and sustainable development impacts of proposed policies, strategies, and plans.


Research Services

I offer comprehensive research services, from identifying needs and formulating proposals to building project teams, managing execution, and delivering high-quality outputs on time and within budget. My expertise spans a wide range of environmental subject areas and includes:

  • Research Bid and Proposal Writing: Crafting compelling research proposals to secure funding and project approval.

  • Consortium Building: Assembling multidisciplinary teams and partnerships to enhance research capacity and collaboration.

  • Research Program and Project Planning, Management, and Coordination: Designing and managing research programs and projects from inception to completion, ensuring efficient execution.

  • Data Acquisition and Interpretation: Gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to support research objectives and inform decision-making.

  • Program and Project Monitoring and Evaluation: Tracking progress, assessing outcomes, and ensuring projects meet their goals and standards.

  • Report Writing and Results Dissemination: Producing clear, concise reports and effectively communicating research findings to stakeholders.

  • Research Capability Assessment and Peer Review: Evaluating research capabilities and conducting peer reviews to ensure the highest standards of quality.


Geospatial Solutions

I provide geospatial and remote-sensing solutions tailored to landscape analysis and environmental assessment, offering clients customized environmental solutions in the following areas:

  • Biodiversity, Forest, and Land Use Management: Utilizing advanced geospatial tools to support sustainable management practices and conservation efforts.

  • Digital Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV): Implementing MRV systems for infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, and other land-use (AFOLU) sectors to ensure compliance and track progress.

  • Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment: Conducting risk analysis and identifying key features such as biodiversity hotspots and high conservation value areas to inform decision-making and conservation strategies.

  • Story Maps: Creating compelling visual narratives with spatial data to bring client projects to life, making complex information accessible and engaging.

  • Geoportals and Dashboards: Developing interactive platforms that provide graphs, statistics, and visualizations to help clients understand and communicate project impacts effectively.


Science Communication

With a background in science communication and extensive expertise in environmental issues—ranging from glacier dynamics and water security to sustainable finance, infrastructure investment standards, and international climate policy—I can educate public audiences and develop strategies for effectively communicating complex results.

Additionally, I leverage my knowledge of mountain environments and experience in expedition management to deliver inspirational presentations. My talks focus on key topics such as planning and preparation, teamwork, self-motivation, risk management, and overcoming obstacles. Through unique stories, I offer insights into achieving success by combining self-leadership with the strength of a support team, enabling individuals and organizations to excel and stay ahead of the competition."

This version highlights your diverse expertise and the motivational aspect of your presentations, making it clear how you can engage and inspire your audience.

Working with Clients


Clarity, simplicity, concision

We are overloaded in the information age. I provide clients with outputs which highlight key issues and findings.

Rigour & wider perspective

I offer rigorous analysis and attention to detail. But I also understand the importance of the bigger picture and cross-checking technical analysis with common sense.

Good upward management

I prioritise well, seek solutions to problems, factor in clients' constraints and seek to close any gap between expressed and perceived requirements.


Flexible support

I understand that clients need an extra hand for small tasks, sometimes a whole project, and sometimes ongoing support. Depending on other commitments, I can offer input over both the short and long term, as flexibly as possible.

Honesty & reliability

I meet agreed deadlines, follow through on commitments, seek to give good value and submit honest, fair estimates of time expenditure. I seek clients who want good quality, thoughtful and truthful examination of the questions of interest to them.

Remote work

I usually work remotely and communicate with clients via phone, email, skype and/or collaborative software, with occasional face-to-face meetings.  I am happy to consider projects which need regular physical presence within commuting distance.


Core expertise

My expertise is in climate, energy and water policy and economics. I also have a broad range of experience in environmental regulation, market instruments and environmental finance. However, my skills are transferable and I frequently work on topics outside of environment and climate.

Varied interests

My career has been driven by a desire to contribute to better public policy and I understand how research can support decision-makers in any organisation. I share a broad interest across policy, economics, business, technology and the social and natural sciences. I welcome proposals outside of my core interests.

Fees & contracting

Fees are either on an hourly basis or agreed in advance as a fixed amount. I am happy to write a proposal detailing what I think I can contribute to your project and estimating how much time this would require. I can be engaged as a consultant for a whole project or on an ad hoc basis.

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